Unlike the photographs by Dimitri Ermakov, thousands of which exist in various museums of Georgia and the world as well as the private collections, his handwritten letters remain only a few and far between due to understandable reasons.
Only 10 facsimile letters have been tracked down in the State Historical Museum (Red Square) in Moscow yet. The addressee of the letters is countess Prascovia Uvarova, the chairwoman of the Moscow Imperial Archeological Society,. The National Center of Manuscripts of Georgia stores the microfilms of these letters (see Praskovia Uvarova’s Fund # 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71)
It is known, that D. Ermakov often carried out photographical fixation of historical, archeological and architectural monuments and ecclesiastical items and books preserved in them, at the order of Moscow Imperial Archeological Society and its chairwoman- countess P. Uvarova. It is namely the facts of collaboration connected with this photo-fixation, that D. Ermakov’s facsimile letters reflect.
The letters mention the scientists: Dimitri Bakradze, Eqvtime Takhaishvili, Lev Lopatinski and others.
The letters are rather laconic, which is predetermined by their business character. D. Ermakov reports to P. Uvarova with the precision characteristic of him about the photographic work fulfilled and its financial aspects, which is authentic and essential information in itself.
All the ten letters studied by us are written by Dimitri Ermakov by hand, which to a certain extent complicated precise understanding of the text.
In spite of this, on the basis of the comparative analysis of D. Ermakov’s calligraphic analysis we managed to fully understand all the letters.
Letter # 1.
Your excellence,
During D. Z. Bakradze’s life, there had been many photographic pictures taken on his orders for your excellence, of the ancient artifacts, it seems in Sukhum Kalle, depicting bronze items. I cannot recall well, why a number of these items have remained with me, namely:
- Bronze spear
- << — >> yatagan
- A handle of a sword
- A clay pot
For the pictures sent to your excellence I was to receive 18 roubles, which I have not received.
Having informed you about the ancient artifacts in my possession, I want your orders who to deliver them to, or send to.
Also, who can I get the 18 rubles due to me from.
Sincerely and faithfully
I am honored to be a humble servant
To your excellence.
25 January (18)92
D.Ermakov, Tiflis
Letter # 2
Tiflis, 15 March, 1905
Your excellence
Dear Lady
Praskovia Sergeevna!
The Icon of Okon and the Tbeti Gospel, sent to you by Mr. Takaishvili, are the ones which I was to send to you. He took them from me to make their description and then return them to me. But, somehow, he decided to send them directly to you.
I have an invitation from the architects for the summer. But as I still do not have your answer regarding the confirmation of my business trip, I cannot accept it, and this is why I humbly ask your excellence to not refuse your answer, whether the business trip will actually take place.
With utter respect
Letter # 3
Tiflis, 26 March, 1905
Your excellence
Dear Lady
Praskovia Sergeevna
Full of desire to be of service to you, I’m sending one more collection of 22 pictures – Icon of Okon and Tbeti Gospel. I repeat again, that Mr. Takaishvili took 22 pictures from me for the purpose of their description, which later he was to return to me to be sent to your excellence by me. Why he sent the pictures by himself, and not gave them back to me, as we’d agreed when he was taking them from me, I cannot tell You. The money for the pictures of the Icon of Okon and the Tbeti Gospel I received, but only for the initial photos, and for the ones sent later – I didn’t, and I don’t know who to charge it to.
With utter respect
D Ermakov
Letter #4
Tiflis, 24 May, 1907
Your excellence
Praskovia Sergeevna!
I’m honored to inform you, that the photos ordered by you, have already been taken by me – in Tbilisi, in Metekhi castle, the church, as well as the three Mtskheta churches. The only ones remaining are in the church of Holly Cross on the rock opposite Mtskheta, three icons on the altar wall, for which purpose I have to erect scaffolding, as they are (located) very high. Will you please be kind enough to send me the advance payment in the amount of 100 rubles promised to me on 27th April.
Will your excellence be so kind as to allocate 500 rubles to me for the purpose of my trip, together with Mr. Takaishvili, to the Tortum region, where he travels on the 1 of July.
For this money I promise to bring to You 200 pictures. I was there already 20 years ago, when there still was used the wet method of photographing. These three churches, Eeshk Vank, Khakho Vank and Ishkhan Vank, this is something extraordinary, from the point of view of architecture as well as the ornaments – utterly beautiful. They must be photographed in detail, I’m sure there have to be around 300 pictures taken. Each photograph will cost you 2rubles 50 kopecks. Knowing all the beauty of these photographs, I will gladly close my photography for a month and a half in Tiflis. If, having received my letter, you will accept my offer, I request you to send your consent by telegraph, for me to make arrangements for this trip in advance.
With utter respect
Letter #5
Tiflis, 22 September, 1910
To the Imperial Archeological Society in Moscow
I have the honor to inform you, that this summer I, E.S. Takaishvili and architect S.G. kldiashvili made a trip to Svaneti, where we had taken pictures of churches, images, church items, kinds and types from antiquity; also the Adigean Gospel of the ninth century (on the parchment). It was photographed from the cover on and all the pages, which the Gospel has 400. The size of the plate (disc) is 18 x 24 cm. Besides these photos, the pictures of many other things kept in the church of Kvirike and Ivliti as well as the images of church items have been taken.
Bringing to your attention the fact of our visit to Svaneti, where we have taken more than 1000 pictures; among them are such, which have been photographed for the first time. The sizes of the pictures are 24 x 30, 18 x 24, 15 x 21, 13 x 18 cm. All of them are very successful.
With full respect
D. Ermakov
Letter 6.
Tiflis, 14th November, 1910.
Your excellence,
Dear lady
Praskovia Sergeevna!
Today I sent you the 12 miniatures, which you had ordered me to photograph in the Sioni Museum. With that I attach the invoice and I humbly request you to send me the money, as soon as possible.
I added one picture to the cost, which I forgot to enter into the first invoice. These were two drawings, one of which I took copy of and the other, your excellence ordered me to photograph.
With deep respect
Letter #7
Tiflis, December 1. 1910
Your excellence,
Dear Lady
Praskovia Sergeevna!
Yesterday, I sent your excellence a letter, concerning the probable in your opinion increase of the price for the photos of Adigean Gospel sent by me and I today received your letter asking me to send the views of Sardarov Palace of Yerivan, which I’m enclosing.
I’m using the chance to once again politely remind you about my humble request expressed in my yesterday’s letter.
With total respect
D. Ermakov
Big ————————- 80 kop.
Small ———————- 60 kop.
1 rub. 40 kop.
P.S. I’m sending the pictures of Sardarov Palace in Yerivan, one, as it was in the old times with the descending………………. , and the other – as it is today.
Letter #8
Tiflis, 28th January, 1911
Your excellence
Dear Lady
Praskovia Sergeevna
Today I am sending you your order, which was delayed for the reasons outside of my control.
# 517 Gospel is located in the Temple. I carried out all the formalities to get it, but unfortunately one of the members, G. Stanishevski, is not in the town, and without him it is impossible to open the chest, where his seal is kept. As soon as he comes, I will immediately take two pictures, which are missing for the total fulfillment of your order.
With all due respect
D. Ermakov.
Letter 9
Tiflis, 14th February, 1911.
Your excellence
Dear Lady
Praskovia Sergeevna!
I want to thank you ever so much for the money sent to me through L.G. Lopatinski, which I received. I am sending two photos from the Gospel # 517. On 28th January I sent you the photos and the invoice for 58 r. 40k. , for the two I am sending today – 6 r., so all in all – 64 r. 40. K. which I humbly request you to send me.
I hope you received 10 big and 16 small negatives, sent on the 30th of January, intact. As they have been entered by me into my catalogues, I ask you to send them back to me when you have no more need in them.
Your excellence, let me recommend to you Iuli Karlovich Str(a)ume, the painter. He brilliantly copies all kinds of miniatures and capital letters from the Gospel. He may be in Echmiadzin, where he had made a number of copies of Armenian capital letters astonishingly well. He used to serve in the Caucasus Handicrafts’ Department and all of his works belong to the department. Efimey Semenich promised to give him a miniature from the Gospel, for testing, which as a sample of his work we will send to you. I hope, that you, as a connoisseur of such work, will appreciate it.
With utter respect
D. Ermakov
Letter # 10
Tiflis, 3 March, 1911.
Your excellence
Dear Lady
Praskovia Sergeevna
Yesterday I sent you the work of the painter I. K. Straume, and also the list the drawings he has of this type. All the paintings in colors he estimates at 15 rubles and the drawings in black and white – 10 rub. Such paintings he has already sent to you. I hope, that your excellence will not be dissatisfied with my recommendation.
If you have no use for them, I kindly ask you to return them back to me.
I received the money sent by you. I want to expressing my gratitude.
With utter respect
D. Ermakov.
It is clear from the very first letter of Dimitri Ermakov, that he used to take photos for Countess Praskovia Uvarova even before 1892, on the orders of the famous historian, archeologist and ethnographer, Dimitri Bakradze.
By 1892 D. Bakradze had been two years dead and that is why D. Ermakov directly got in touch with P. Uvarova (although the interval of cessation is quite long) and told her about the archeological artifacts and their photos kept by him. We can assume that this was mostly a pretext for restoring cooperation with P. Uvarova and the Moscow Imperial Archeological Society. How the problems, mentioned in this letter were solved, is unknown to us, as the next letter dates already with 1905. It relates about Okoni Icon and Tbeti Gospel. In connection with photographing of these relics, the tense relationship between D. Emakov and E. Takhaishvili is evident, which was to be noticed at times even later.
It must be said, that many scientists had carried out research for the identification of Okoni Icon: Mari Brose, Dimitri Bakradze, Mose Janashvili, Praskovia Uvarova and others. Four Okoni Icons are known – the Icon seen by P. Uvarova in Gori, in the church of Okoni Mother of God, which represents a painted Triptych with the image of Deisus; the forged Icon of the Mother of God with the Georgian Mkhedruli inscription on it seen by P. Uvarova in the village of Okana of Gori Mazra (district) and the third Icon – the Triptych incrusted on the ivory with the image of Deisus on the middle door . P.Uvarova deemed the third Icon to be an authentic Byzantine Icon. [Materials on the Archeology of Caucasus {MAC} 1894: 172). The fourth Icon – Okoni Crucifixion, is also forged and is adorned with precious stones and the drawers for sacred parts. After the research E. Takaishvili considered the mentioned Okoni Crucifixion to be queen Helen’s Icon, which she brought from Byzantium to Georgia as a dowry in the eleventh century and it was namely the Ermakov’s photos of Okoni Crucifixion, which E. Takaishvili published in MAC. [MAC, issue XII 1909: 117 – 172).
Based on D. Ermakov’s photos E. Takaishvili also carried out important research to study Tbeti Gospel, and he deemed, that it was copied by Ioane Fukaralis-dze, on the orders of Shavsheti (now on Turkish territory) Tbeti Bishop, Ioane Mtbevari, during the reign of Giorgi III, supposedly after 1161. E. Takaishvili expressed his assumption, that the forged cover of Tbeti Gospel had been made by the goldsmiths – Beshken and Beka Opizari, whom he considered to be father and son. [MAC. Iss. XII 1909: 151 – 162)
Photographing of Okoni Icon and Tbeti Gospel D. Ermakov carried out in Tbilisi.
It is known, that king Vakhtang VI took these relics together with other treasures when he emigrated to Russia in 1724 and that it returned back to Georgia, by the instrumentality of the great granddaughter of Vakhtang VI – Ana Tolstaia, only in 1889 and it got permanently housed in Mtskheta Principality Women’s monastery. By 1905, when Ermakov photographed them, the relics were temporarily in custody of the committee of the gymnasium of nobility, for it to be later delivered to the gymnasium church (after its construction) [MAC. iss . XII 1909: 162]. Currently the Icon of Okoni Crucifixion is preserved in the National Museum of Art of Georgia and the Tbeti Gospel – in the National Center of Manuscripts of Georgia.
In the next (the fourth) letter D. Ermakov lists those historical monuments, which he photographed on the orders of P. Uvarova in Tbilisi and Mtskheta in 1907. Also, D. Ermakov notifies P. Uvarova about the expected expedition of E. Takaishvili to Turkey, to the Tortum Gorge (Kola-Oltis). As it is known, D. Ermakov had already been in this part earlier and had been enchanted by the architectural beauty of Oshki, Khakhuli and Ishkhani and he wanted to photograph them in detail. The expedition to Kola Oltis, headed by E. Takaishvili took place in 1907 and it had lasted from 1 July to 20 August. The financier of the expedition was the Moscow Imperial Architectural Society and its chairman – P. Uvarova. But, as was to be expected, the photographer of the expedition was invited not the well known and experienced D. Ermakov, but an amateur photographer, the teacher of French language of the Tbilisi second boys’ gymnasium – Eduard Liozen. [ Takaishvili 1907: 4] It is quite clear, that this choice was made because of the financial problems. By this period D. Ermakov was already a widely recognized professional and correspondingly – expensive. Though it is not excluded, that the fact, that he was not invited could have been triggered by other (personal) motives too.
It should be said here, that Eduard Liozen was very much carried away by learning Georgian history and, especially, Georgian language. He had been elected a true member of the Caucasus Department of the Moscow Imperial Archeological society, in the meetings of which he actively participated . E. Liozen successfully fulfilled his obligation levied on him by Cola-Oltisi expedition and took more than 100 photographs. [Takhaishvili 7]
It is noteworthy, that on 28th May 1907 (act #35) D. Ermakov was elected a real member of the Caucasus Department of the Moscow Imperial Archeological society. (ICOMAO 1913: 20] It is interesting,that at the same meeting, which was attended by Niko Marr, Ivane Javakhishvili, Mose Janashvlili and others, the famous linguist Korneli Kekelidze and architect Simon Kldiashvili were also elected members of the society.
It is also interesting, that D. Ermakov was put forward as candidate for membership at the previous meeting on 11th January, 1907, which was attended by Praskovia Uvarova herself, as the chairman of Moscow Imperial Archeological Society. [ICOMAO, iss. III, 1913: 20]. It goes without saying, that D.Ermakov had close business relationship with P. Uvarova and the later knew perfectly well about D. Ermakov’s creative input and, respectively, she made decision to nominate him as the candidate for the membership of the society personally. It must be said, that unlike Eduard Liozen, who permanently and diligently attended all the meetings of the society, D. Ermakov rarely attended these meetings. Only three cases are known of D. Ermakov’s participation, as the real member of the society, in the “Society’s” Caucasus Department meetings: 9th October, 1910 meeting, [ICOMAO, iss. III 1913: 47]; 29th January, 1911 meeting [ICOMAO, iss. III 1913: 50] and 16th April , 1915 meeting [ICOMAO, iss. IV, 1915: 11]
Such passive attendance was probably preconditioned by the busy schedule of D. Ermakov and his permanent travels.
Later, in 1910, the joint expedition of D. Ermakov and Eqvtime Takhaishvili still took place, but it was Lechkhum-Svaneti then. E. Takhaishvili wrote: “I invited to the expedition D. Ermakov, the photographer well known in the whole Caucasus” [Takhaishvili: 3] Invitation of an expensive photographer to the expedition became possible, as all the costs of the expedition were covered by a famous Patron of Art, the “Marshal” of the nobility-aristocracy of Tblisi Governance (Province), Pavle Tumanishvili [Takhaishvili 3] on whose initiative Ermakov had been selected.
The Lechkhum-Svaneti 1910 expedition turned out very fruitful and according to D. Ermakov’s note, he had taken more than 1000 photos – architectural and historical monuments, characters, landscapes etc. during the same expedition, the well known Adishi Otkhtavi (Gospel) (897 A. D.) (400 pages) had been photographed in detail, page by page, 200 photos all told. [MAC. Iss. XIV 1916)
E.Takhaishvili provides an interesting account on photographing Adishi Gospel; it turns out that the members of expedition, who camped in Mestia, could not go up to the village of Adishi, as unexpectedly big snow came in Summer. On the request of E. Takhaishvili, Svanetians brought down the Gospel to Mestia, which is an unordinary fact in itself, as Svanetians were sensitive about moving places for the relics. Thus, this is how D. Ermakov photographed the Gospel in Mestia. [Takhaishvili 1937: 4] Adishi Gospel is now kept in Mestia State Museum.
A separate topic is the relationship between E. Takhaishvili and D. Ermakov, which had lasted for a long time and had even been tense often. The conflict between D. Ermakov and E. Takhaishvili connected with the photos of Okoni Icon and the Tbeti Gospel in 1905, resurfaced during 1910 Svaneti expedition. Eqvtime, whose feelings were hurt, later wrote to Niko Marr: “I have gone through hard work. Nobody would allow anyone into the church without me. Ermakov’s excuses and claims were boundless; he had kicked up such scandals three times, that he almost got killed. I pacified the Svanetians… I collected a lot of material. Now Ermakov is not giving photos to me; he wants to cheat Tumanov out of more money and make him pay the money for the pictures due to me and he is selling photos to others. [ICOMAO iss. III 1913: 49]
Quite bewildering is the information, that D. Ermakov had participated in Svaneti expedition unprepared, though he had been warned about the probable difficulties by E. Takhaishvili beforehand; namely, that a small size photo-camera and a special photo-objective were necessary for photographing inside the small churches of Svanetia. E. Takhaishvili wrote concerning the work in the village of Matskhovari of Latali community: “Photo-copying of frescoes was impossible, as Ermakov did not have relevant equipment”. (Takhaishvili 1937: 351) It is also quite strange, that Ermakov had taken with him big size film negatives “discs” for the expedition, which did not fit his camera and he had to downsize them with a saw through hard work. [Takhaishvili: 3]
Despite the difficulties, the 1910 Lechkhum- Svaneti expedition turned out to be a success and very huge and important material was collected.
In the next (the sixth) letter D. Ermakov notes out photographing the Miniatures kept in the church museum of Sioni. It is to be mentioned, that this museum had been created by the initiative of Georgian scientists, Dimitri Bakradze and Mose Janashvili.
The seventh letter again mentions the reimbursement for the photos of Adishi Gospel. As it turns out, as more than 200 photos of Adishi Gospel had been taken, P. Uvarova promised D. Ermakov reimbursement for the publication. It is pity, that this letter, i.e. the previous day’s, 30th November’s letter has not been preserved.
- Ermakov also reminds her about the photos of the Erevan Sardari palace, remuneration for which – 80 kopecks for a big one and 60 kopecks for the small one, was not a high price, as Ermakov generally used to sell his photos for 1.5-2 roubles and higher. E. Takhaishvili wrote to N. Marr: “I had him take Khandzteli’s picture brilliantly. Roinov’s photo no longer exists, I let Ermakov photograph them and he photographed them expensively, two-two rubles each. [Marr’s and Takhaishvili’s correspondence 1991: 193].
In the next (eighth) letter, concerning photographing # 517th Gospel, D. Ermakov mentions Ivan Semionovich Stanishevski, who was a real member of the Caucasus Department of Moscow Imperial Archeological Society. # 517 Gospel currently is stored in the National Center of Manuscrips of Georgia. [Manuscr. Descr. 2004: 87-89]
In the next [ninth ] letter D. Ermakov mentions a famous linguist and Caucasologist Lev Grigorevich Lopatinski. He used to live and work in Tbilisi. Lev Lopatinski had been a permanent chairman of the Caucasus Department of Moscow Imperial Archeological Society since the very day of its establishment, i.e. 21 March, 1901. Under his general editorship five volumes of the collection of works had been published, which represent a priceless source for the scientists interested in the history of Caucasus and general public.
In the same ninth letter D. Ermakov mentions Iuli Karlovich Straume, a totally unknown painter by that time, who, as D. Ermakov notes, was rather qualified and talented. As it seems, D. Ermakov had introduced Straume to E. Takhaishvili too, who, in his turn, had given him Miniatures to copy.
Later Iuli Straume had to carry out an immense work to copy-draw the creative work of the peoples of Caucasus and to form the “Museum of Creative Arts of the Peoples of Caucasus” in Tbilisi. [L. Klavina, 2004]. Currently, two volumes of pictures of Caucasian rugs and other produce painted by Iuli Straume are stored in Tbilisi, in the Museum of Creative Arts. Iuli Straume was Latvian by provenance and in 1921-1922 he had the honor to be Latvian Vice Consul in Georgia. [l. Klavina]
In the last, tenth letter D. Ermakov once again recommends Iuli Straume to P. Uvarova. We can surmise, that D. Ermakov had close, friendly relationship with Straume and he was very keen on finding a job for him. It must also be said, that materially Straume was very hard up, especially considering the upkeep of his young French wife and the additional income was crucial for him [Klavina]. From the letters reviewed it turns out, that D. Ermakov had active businesslike relations with Praskovia Uvarova and the “Moscow Imperial Archeological Society” since the 80-s of the XIX century through D. Bakradze, and since 1892- directly. The letters show D. Ermakov’ organizational talent and the feeling of responsibility (but not always). He used to notify Praskovia Uvarova about the work carried out and its price with the pedantry characteristic of him. D. Ermakov was quite an expansive and well known photographer already during his lifetime. This is attested by the catalogues of photographs collections released by himself in 1896 and 1901, by means of which he carried out his business.
Dimitri Ermakov’s facsimile letters to Praskovia Uvarova, the chairperson of “Moscow Imperial Archeological Society” reflect business relationship between the photographer and the Archeological Society.
Already from 1880, Dimitri Ermakov had taken photos of historical and archeological artifacts for the Archeological Society through a famous historian and archeologist Dimitri Bakradze (1826-1890), and since 1892 D. Ermakov continued work for the society directly under the guidance of Countess Praskovia Uvarova.
- Ermakov reports to P. Uvarova, with the punctuality characteristic of him, about the carried out photographic work and its financial aspects. Some of the information relates to the details photographing such unique artifacts as Okoni Icon, Tbeti and Adishi Gospels etc.
The letters also narrate about the historical and architectural monuments of Tbilisi and Mtskheta. The relationship between Dimitri Ermakov and the prominent scientist, the founder and president of Georgian historical and ethnographical society, Eqvtime Takhaishvili (1863-1953) is expansively reflected, especially during their fabled Svaneti expedition in 1910.
The reader will also encounter the information about other scientists in the letters too – like the well known linguist and Caucasiologist, Lev Lopatinski (1842-1922), who had been an irreplaceable leader of the Georgian Department of the Moscow Imperial Archeological Society. Just like, one more member of the same society and an employee of the Sioni Church Museum, Lev Stanishevski; also, a member of the same society and an architect, Simon Kldiashvili (1865-1920); also, a painter and photographer, Iuli Strume (1874-1920), one of the creators of the State Museum of Applied Arts and Crafts of the Peoples of Caucasus.
The originals of the letters are preserved in the Moscow State Historical Museum in Russia, and their microfilms in the National Center of Manuscripts of Georgia. The given letters represent an important source for the researchers of Dimitri Ermakov’s works as well as the interested parties.
The Literature used.
- Concerning the Adishi Gospel, see also E. Takhaishvili’s letters to P. Uvarova, in the form of the microfilms preserved in the National Center of Manuscripts of Georgia in the Fund of Uvarova: #105, #123, # 124, #127.
- Takhaishvili, The Archeological Expedition in Kola – Oltis and Changli in 1907.
- Takhaishvili, Archeological expedition to Lechkhum- Svaneti in 1910, Paris, 1937.
- Klavina Laima, Iuli Straume, 2004, publishing house “Zinante”, Riga, Latvia.
- Correspondence of Niko Marr and Eqvtime Takhaishvili (1888-1931), Tbilisi, 1991.
- Concerning the Okoni Icon and Tbeti Gospel see also E. Takhaishvili’s letters to P. Uvarova. The originals are preserved in the Moscow State Museum , and in the form of microfilms – in the National Center of Manuscripts of Georgia, in the P. Uvarova’s Fund. (#101, # 102, #103)
- Description of Georgian manuscripts. II2, of the A) collection of the former church museum, Tbilisi, 2004, pg. 87-89)
- The News of the Caucasus Department of the Moscow Imperial Archeological Society (ICOMAO), iss. III, Tiflis, 1913, protocol # 35.
- ICOMAO, iss. III, Tiflis, 1913, protocol # 34.
- ICOMAO, iss. III, Tiflis, 1913, protocol # 53.
- ICOMAO, iss. III, Tiflis, 1913, protocol # 55
- ICOMAO, iss. III, Tiflis, 1915, protocol # 74
- The News of the Caucasus Department of the Moscow Imperial Archeological Society, Tiflis, iss. I (1904), iss. II (1907), iss. III (1913) iss. IV (1915), published under the general editorship of L.G. Lopatinski and E. S. Takaishvili; Iss. V (1919), published under the general editorship of L.G. Lopatinski and L.M. Melikset-Bekov and the last issue VI (1921), – under the general editorship of L. M. Melikset-Bekov and D. P. Gordeev.
- MAC, iss. XII, Moscow, 1909
- MAC, iss. XIV, Moscow, 1916
- Materials on the Archeology of Caucasus (MAC), iss. IV, Moscow, 1894.
- Photos of D. Ermakov, Catalogue of Photographic Views and Types of Caucasus, Persia, European and Asiatic Turkey, Tiflis, the Steam Printing House of the Staff of the Caucasus Military District, 1896.
- Photos of D. Ermakov, Catalogue of Photographic Views and Types of Caucasus, Persia, European and Asiatic Turkey, follow-up to the catalogue of 1896, Tiflis, the Steam Printing House of the Staff of the Caucasus Military District,1901.
Ilia Nadimashvili