Top 5 outdoor team building activities | Tero Group (2025)


01 Mar 2022 . 11 min read

  • Team building

Top 5 outdoor team building activities | Tero Group (3)

Most of us are used to an indoor working routine, plenty of sitting time and screens. So after a while we all long togo out and get a deep breath of fresh air. Just imagine a warm sunray in your face, the sound of wind passing through the leaves, or walking barefoot on the sand. Sounds nice!

Now think of all the perks of outdoor activities, applied to team building. Instead of the usual office routine, or interacting through screens,what’s better than sharing an incredible activity with your colleagues in nature?

There are different angles to categorize team building activities (we went over the main types inour last blog article). Depending on where they take place, they can also be classified as outdoor, indoor, or online team building activities.

Lately there’s been a huge development ofvirtual outdoor activities, which are outdoor/physical activities with a digital support (using apps or GPS in your phone or tablet). An example of this is theurban gaming activities, which are one of the most popular and a big part of the future of Team Building. Within Tero’s catalogue, Roadmap TrophyandVirtual Trophyare part of this trend.

Check below the reasons why outdoor team building activities are so important, the main types of team building activities to do outdoors, and examples for each of them, depending on the objectives you are looking for when organizing a team building.

Top 5 outdoor team building activities | Tero Group (4)


Benefits of outdoor team building activities

There’s no doubt that each kind of team building activity has its own strengths. Sometimes indoor or online activities are the way to go, butthere are several crucial benefits that will be much easier to achieve when going outdoors.

Keeping in mind that the final aim isto create stronger bondsbetween the members of a group in order to make a cohesive team, outdoor activities play a key role to have a successful team building.

The3 main advantagesthat make outdoor team building activities stand out are:

1/TheDépaysement, or change of scenery. Getting out of the office gives an extra boost and unlocks the inspiration. Most people work inside, so getting out isa real break, a huge gap compared to the usual office setting, and it’s easier to set the mood for team-building activities. Just standing in front of the sea or putting on hiking boots for a walk in the forest makes a great change. Once you arrive at the location, you are already ina different state of mind.

Getting out of the office also flattens the usual hierarchy more easily. When activities take place outside people are more relaxed, and there is a genuine connection between colleagues, aside from day to day work-related topics.

2/They are healthier!After long working days sitting down and looking at screens, what’s better to shake up the body and move a bit? The core of outdoor activities is toenjoy and connect with nature, so many activities take place in the seaside, forests or the countryside. But, of course, they can also be done in cities, taking advantage of riversides, parks, or any corner the city has to offer! We already talked aboutUrban Gamingactivities, a clear example that shows that when team building meets outdoor activities, the possibilities are endless andthe sky’s the limit.

3/They show you care.Organizing outdoor team building activities is a way of showing your employees that you care, because they usually require bigger logistics, take more time, and many times are done during working hours. This indicates that youinvest in your teams, rather than prioritizing short-term productivity. And in the long term, this hasa huge impactin the way teams consolidate and work together.

Some of the most valued aspects of outdoor team building activities organized by Tero are the creativity of the activities, the quality and professionalism of the instructors and staff, and the flexibility during the organization.

Top 5 outdoor team building activities | Tero Group (5)

The top 5 outdoor team building activities

Not sure which is the best outdoor team building activity for your team? There are several items to take into account: objectives, time, group size, budget and location. Find below a selection of activities, and discover the ideal outdoor team building for your company!

1. Teambooster

As its name states,Teambooster is the flagship activity if you are looking tobuild teams. The main aim is to strengthen the team spirit, cooperation and connection, rebuild links between teammates, collaborate as a team and discover the capacities of colleagues.

  • WHEN?All year long
  • GROUP SIZE-> From 5 to 500 people
  • PRICE RANGE-> From 40€ per person
  • DURATION-> 2 to 3 hours
  • LOCATION-> Everywhere!

Other activities following similar objectives are theBeach Olympics and Robinson’s Quest.

Top 5 outdoor team building activities | Tero Group (6)


2. 60 Seconds to Win

If you are looking for anIcebreaker and Fun Activities,60 Seconds to Winis the way to go. This might sound less important, but organizing fun activities just to relax, take a break from the usual, and share a laugh with your colleagues can improve the work environment and boost the team spirit! And it’s a great way to show appreciation for the hard work done by everyone in a company, and create a great ambiance in a group!

  • WHEN?All year long
  • GROUP SIZE-> From 10 to 100 people
  • PRICE RANGE-> From 30€ per person
  • DURATION-> 1,5 hours
  • LOCATION-> Everywhere!

3. Positive Impact Activities

The objective here is to combine a team building activity and a committed environmental approach. Teams are engaged in activitiesthat have a positive impact on the environment and community, while strengthening the company’s values. Some examples of positive impact activities organized by Tero include beach and river cleanups.

Workshops and clinics can be organized together with the activity in itself, so there’s also a positive outcome for the participants, who not only collaborate but also learn new skills and good practices.

4. Forest Games

When the goal is toDiscover and Learn new skills, theForest Gamesactivity is definitively a pick to be considered. The team gets immersed in the ancient culture of the Ardennes region in a fun way, bonding and gaining confidence while having a go at new activities and hobbies.

During the games, participants learn new things while boosting key aspects of teamwork, like communication, collaboration and leadership. These skills are built while having a good time out in nature!

  • WHEN?All year long
  • GROUP SIZE-> From 20 to 250 people
  • PRICE RANGE-> From 50€ per person
  • DURATION-> 2 to 3 hours
  • LOCATION->Tero Lodge Francorchamps

Top 5 outdoor team building activities | Tero Group (7)


5. Lumber Jack

This is our beacon when it comes toTeam Academy activities, the go-to programs if you need to tackle a specific issue or objective with a team training or coaching. The idea behind them is totransform a classic activity into a learning tool.

This is whatLumber Jackis about: an outdoor team activity in which the group has to build a bridge together, and drive a trailer across it! The final objective is to consolidate the team in a truly lasting way, after sharing a day full of motivation, commitment and thrill.

  • WHEN?All year long
  • GROUP SIZE-> From 20 to 100 people
  • PRICE RANGE-> From 50€ per person
  • DURATION-> 2 hours
  • LOCATION->Tero Lodge Francorchamps,Tero Lodge JalhayorTero Forest House Martué

Top 5 outdoor team building activities | Tero Group (8)


Ready to go outdoors and motívate your team?Our passion is to create unique atmospheres and take you out of everyday working routines, in order to create lasting bonds among colleagues.

You already know all the benefits of outdoor team building, and all the options depending on your objectives. Feel free to browse among all Tero’s Outdoor Team Building catalogue,contact us, and let’s start planning!

Top 5 outdoor team building activities | Tero Group (2025)
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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Author information

Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

Phone: +6824704719725

Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.