The Perfect Recipe: How To Cook A Publix Honey Baked Ham To Perfection (2024)

The Perfect Recipe: How To Cook A Publix Honey Baked Ham To Perfection (1)

If you ever find yourself craving a delicious, juicy ham that's bursting with sweet and savory flavors, look no further than the famous Publix Honey Baked Ham. This mouthwatering centerpiece is a staple at holiday gatherings and special occasions, and now you can learn how to prepare one in the comfort of your own kitchen. From the secret glaze recipe to the perfect cooking techniques, get ready to impress your friends and family with your very own homemade Publix Honey Baked Ham.

What You'll Learn

  • What is the recommended cooking time and temperature for a Publix honey baked ham?
  • Can I cook a Publix honey baked ham in a slow cooker or does it need to be baked in the oven?
  • What steps should I follow to properly glaze a Publix honey baked ham?
  • Are there any tips or tricks for achieving a crispy, golden brown crust on a Publix honey baked ham?
  • How should I store any leftover Publix honey baked ham?

The Perfect Recipe: How To Cook A Publix Honey Baked Ham To Perfection (2)

What is the recommended cooking time and temperature for a Publix honey baked ham?

When it comes to cooking a Publix honey baked ham, it's important to follow the recommended time and temperature to ensure a delicious and perfectly cooked ham. The specifics will vary depending on the size of the ham and whether it is bone-in or boneless. Here, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to cook a Publix honey baked ham and the recommended cooking time and temperature.

Step 1: Preheat the oven

Before you begin cooking the honey baked ham, preheat your oven to 325°F (163°C). This temperature is ideal for cooking the ham evenly and ensuring it reaches a safe internal temperature.

Step 2: Prepare the ham

Remove the packaging from the honey baked ham and place it into a roasting pan, cut side down. If the ham comes with a glaze packet, set it aside for later.

Step 3: Score the ham

Using a sharp knife, score the surface of the ham by making shallow diagonal cuts in a diamond pattern. This will not only enhance the presentation of the ham but will also allow the glaze to penetrate the meat more effectively.

Step 4: Apply the glaze

If your honey baked ham comes with a glaze packet, open it and carefully brush it over the scored surface of the ham. Make sure to fully coat the ham with the glaze for maximum flavor. If your ham does not come with a glaze packet, you can make your own by combining honey, brown sugar, and spices of your choice.

Step 5: Cook the ham

Place the ham in the preheated oven and bake according to the following guidelines:

  • For bone-in hams: Cook for 18-20 minutes per pound. For example, if you have a 10-pound ham, it should take approximately 3-3.5 hours to cook.
  • For boneless hams: Cook for 22-25 minutes per pound. For example, if you have a 7-pound ham, it should take approximately 2.5-2.9 hours to cook.

Remember to use a meat thermometer to ensure that the internal temperature of the ham reaches a minimum of 145°F (63°C). Insert the thermometer into the thickest part of the ham without touching the bone for an accurate reading.

Step 6: Let it rest

Once the ham reaches the desired internal temperature, remove it from the oven and let it rest for at least 15 minutes before carving. This allows the juices to redistribute, resulting in a moister and more flavorful ham.

Step 7: Carve and serve

After the resting period, carve the ham into thin slices and serve warm. The delicious aroma and tender texture of the Publix honey baked ham will surely impress your guests.

In conclusion, cooking a Publix honey baked ham requires following the recommended cooking time and temperature. By preheating the oven to 325°F (163°C), scoring the ham, applying the glaze, and cooking it for the appropriate amount of time, you can achieve a perfectly cooked ham that is juicy, flavorful, and sure to be a hit at your next gathering. So go ahead and indulge in the delectable goodness of a Publix honey baked ham!

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The Perfect Recipe: How To Cook A Publix Honey Baked Ham To Perfection (3)

Can I cook a Publix honey baked ham in a slow cooker or does it need to be baked in the oven?

If you have a Publix honey baked ham and are wondering if you can cook it in a slow cooker instead of the oven, the answer is yes, you can! While baking in the oven is the traditional method, using a slow cooker can be a convenient and delicious alternative. In this article, we will explore the science behind cooking a ham, share personal experiences, provide step-by-step instructions, and offer some examples to guide you through the process.

The Science Behind Cooking a Ham

When cooking a ham, the goal is to heat it thoroughly and evenly, ensuring that it is safe to eat. Hams are precooked, so heating them is mainly about warming the meat and infusing it with flavors. Both the oven and the slow cooker can achieve this, but they use different methods.

The oven uses dry heat to cook the ham. It can provide a crispy exterior while keeping the inside moist. On the other hand, a slow cooker uses moist heat, which can result in a more tender and juicy ham. The low and slow cooking method of a slow cooker allows the flavors to meld together beautifully.

Personal Experiences

Many home cooks have successfully cooked ham in a slow cooker, including Publix honey baked ham. One advantage of using a slow cooker is that it frees up oven space, which can be valuable during busy holiday cooking sessions. Additionally, the slow cooker creates a moist environment, preventing the ham from drying out.

Step-by-Step Instructions

To cook a Publix honey baked ham in a slow cooker, follow these simple steps:

  • Select the right size of slow cooker: Make sure your slow cooker can accommodate the size of your ham. It should fit comfortably without touching the sides or lid.
  • Prepare the slow cooker: Place a slow cooker liner or spray the inner pot with non-stick cooking spray to prevent sticking.
  • Prepare the ham: Remove the packaging and any glaze that may come with the ham. If your ham does not come with a glaze, you can prepare a simple one using ingredients like honey, brown sugar, and spices.
  • Set up the slow cooker: Place the ham in the prepared slow cooker, flat side down. If desired, you can score the surface of the ham in a diamond pattern before placing it in the cooker. This will allow the glaze to penetrate the meat.
  • Apply the glaze: If your ham came with a glaze, spread it over the surface of the meat. If not, you can create your own glaze and brush it onto the ham.
  • Cook the ham: Set the slow cooker to low heat and cook for approximately 6-8 hours, or until the internal temperature reaches 140°F (60°C) for a fully cooked ham. Cooking times may vary depending on the size and type of slow cooker you are using.
  • Glaze the ham (optional): About 30 minutes before the ham is done, you can baste it with additional glaze, if desired. This will create a sticky, caramelized exterior.
  • Serve and enjoy: Once the ham is fully cooked, carefully remove it from the slow cooker and let it rest for a few minutes before slicing and serving.


Here are a few examples of glazes you can use for your Publix honey baked ham:

  • Honey and Dijon Mustard Glaze: In a small bowl, mix together 1/2 cup of honey and 2 tablespoons of Dijon mustard. Brush the mixture onto the ham before cooking.
  • Brown Sugar and Pineapple Glaze: In a saucepan, combine 1 cup of brown sugar, 1/2 cup of pineapple juice, 1/4 cup of orange juice, and 1/4 teaspoon of ground cloves. Heat the mixture until the sugar has dissolved, then brush it onto the ham.
  • Maple and Bourbon Glaze: In a small saucepan, combine 1/2 cup of maple syrup, 2 tablespoons of bourbon, 1 tablespoon of Dijon mustard, and a pinch of ground cinnamon. Heat the mixture until it's warm, then brush it onto the ham.

In conclusion, you can cook a Publix honey baked ham in a slow cooker for a delicious and convenient alternative to baking in the oven. The slow cooker's moist heat will result in a tender and flavorful ham. By following the step-by-step instructions and experimenting with different glazes, you can create a memorable meal that your family and friends will love.

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The Perfect Recipe: How To Cook A Publix Honey Baked Ham To Perfection (4)

What steps should I follow to properly glaze a Publix honey baked ham?

Glazing a ham is a popular way to add flavor and a glossy finish to the meat. Publix honey baked hams are particularly delicious, and glazing them can enhance their natural sweetness. If you're looking to achieve a perfectly glazed Publix honey baked ham, here are the steps you should follow:

  • Select the right ham: Before you start glazing, make sure you have the right type of ham. For a Publix honey baked ham, you can either purchase one from the store or make your own. If you're making your own, choose a fully cooked, bone-in ham for the best flavor and texture.
  • Prepare the ham: Remove the ham from its packaging and pat it dry with paper towels. Place the ham on a rack in a roasting pan, with the fat side up. This will help the glaze to adhere properly and allow the excess fat to drain.
  • Score the ham: Use a sharp knife to make shallow cuts in a diagonal pattern across the fat. This will allow the glaze to penetrate the meat and create a beautiful presentation.
  • Mix the glaze: In a small saucepan, combine the glaze ingredients. For a traditional Publix honey baked ham glaze, you will need honey, brown sugar, mustard, and spices such as cloves, cinnamon, and nutmeg. Heat the mixture over low heat until the sugar has dissolved and the glaze has thickened slightly.
  • Apply the glaze: Brush a thin layer of the glaze over the entire surface of the ham. Make sure to get into the scored cuts as well. Reserve the remaining glaze for additional applications later.
  • Bake the ham: Place the ham in a preheated oven at the recommended temperature specified on the packaging or recipe. Bake the ham until it reaches the desired internal temperature, which is typically around 140°F (60°C) for a fully cooked ham. This can take anywhere from 15-20 minutes per pound, so be sure to check the cooking time according to the weight of your ham.
  • Glaze the ham again: After the ham has been baking for about half of the total cooking time, remove it from the oven and brush on another layer of the glaze. This will give the ham a beautiful caramelized crust.
  • Repeat glazing: Continue to glaze the ham every 15-20 minutes, or as instructed by the recipe, until the ham is fully cooked. This will ensure that the glaze builds up and forms a rich, sticky coating on the ham.
  • Rest and serve: Once the ham reaches the desired internal temperature, remove it from the oven and let it rest for about 10-15 minutes before carving. This will allow the juices to redistribute and make the ham juicier. Serve the Publix honey baked ham with the remaining glaze on the side for extra flavor.

By following these steps, you can create a perfectly glazed Publix honey baked ham that is sure to impress your family and guests. Enjoy the sweet and savory flavors of this delicious centerpiece for your next holiday meal or special occasion.

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The Perfect Recipe: How To Cook A Publix Honey Baked Ham To Perfection (5)

Are there any tips or tricks for achieving a crispy, golden brown crust on a Publix honey baked ham?

When it comes to preparing a delicious honey baked ham, achieving a crispy, golden brown crust is essential. The hams sold at Publix are known for their high-quality and flavorful taste, and with a few tips and tricks, you can easily achieve that perfect crust.

  • Select a high-quality ham: The first step in achieving a crispy crust is to start with a high-quality ham. Publix offers a variety of honey baked hams, and selecting one that is fresh and of good quality will make a difference in the end result.
  • Follow the cooking instructions: Each package of honey baked ham from Publix comes with specific cooking instructions. Following these instructions carefully will help ensure that the ham is cooked properly and has a crispy crust. Generally, you would need to preheat the oven to the recommended temperature and cook the ham for the specified time.
  • Baste with glaze: A crucial step in achieving a crispy crust is to baste the ham with glaze. Publix offers a delicious honey glaze that pairs perfectly with their hams. The glaze can be applied using a pastry brush, ensuring that every inch of the ham is coated. The glaze not only adds flavor but also helps in achieving that golden, caramelized crust.
  • Increase the oven temperature: To achieve a truly crispy crust, consider increasing the oven temperature during the last 15-20 minutes of cooking. This higher temperature will help caramelize the glaze and create a beautiful golden brown surface.
  • Let it rest before slicing: Once the ham is cooked, it is important to let it rest for a few minutes before slicing. This allows the juices to redistribute and ensures that the crust remains crispy. Slicing the ham immediately after cooking may cause the crust to become soggy.
  • Serve it hot: To fully enjoy the crispy, golden brown crust, it is best to serve the honey baked ham while it is still hot. The crust will be at its best when it is fresh out of the oven.

Example: Let's say you have purchased a Publix honey baked ham for a special occasion. Start by preheating your oven to the recommended temperature. While the oven is heating up, prepare the glaze by following the instructions provided on the package. Once the oven has reached the desired temperature, place the ham in a roasting pan and brush it generously with the glaze. Make sure to coat the entire surface of the ham. Place the ham in the oven and cook it according to the recommended time. During the last 15-20 minutes of cooking, increase the oven temperature to help achieve that crispy, golden brown crust. Once the ham is cooked, remove it from the oven and let it rest for a few minutes. This will allow the juices to redistribute and ensure a moist and flavorful ham. Finally, slice the ham and serve it hot to enjoy that crispy crust.

In conclusion, achieving a crispy, golden brown crust on a Publix honey baked ham is possible with a few simple steps. Selecting a high-quality ham, following the cooking instructions, basting with glaze, increasing the oven temperature, letting it rest before slicing, and serving it hot are all key factors in achieving that perfect crust. So, the next time you are preparing a Publix honey baked ham, keep these tips and tricks in mind for a delicious and crispy outcome.

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The Perfect Recipe: How To Cook A Publix Honey Baked Ham To Perfection (6)

How should I store any leftover Publix honey baked ham?

How to Store Leftover Publix Honey Baked Ham

Publix honey baked ham is a delicious and popular dish, especially during the holiday season. However, it's not uncommon to have some leftover ham after a meal. Properly storing leftover honey baked ham is essential to maintain its flavor and prevent spoilage. Here are some tips on how to store your leftover Publix honey baked ham.

  • Allow the Ham to Cool: Before storing your leftover ham, it's important to let it cool down to room temperature. This helps prevent condensation buildup, which can promote the growth of bacteria and spoilage.
  • Separate Into Portions: If you have a large amount of leftover ham, it's a good idea to separate it into smaller portions. This makes it easier to use in future meals and prevents unnecessary thawing and refreezing.
  • Wrap the Ham Properly: Use foil or plastic wrap to tightly wrap each portion of the ham. Make sure there are no air pockets or openings. This will help keep the ham moist and prevent freezer burn or drying out.
  • Store in Freezer Bags or Containers: Once the ham is wrapped, place it in a freezer bag or airtight container. This adds an extra layer of protection against freezer burn and helps maintain the quality of the ham for a longer period.
  • Label and Date: Don't forget to label each bag or container with the date and contents. This will help you keep track of how long the ham has been stored and ensure you use it within a reasonable time frame.
  • Store in the Freezer: Place the wrapped and labeled ham portions in the freezer. Make sure the temperature is set at 0°F (-18°C) or below. The ham can be stored in the freezer for up to three months without significant quality loss.
  • Thaw Properly: When you're ready to use the leftover ham, thaw it in the refrigerator. This slow thawing process prevents the growth of harmful bacteria and helps maintain the texture and flavor of the meat.
  • Use Within a Safe Time Frame: The leftover honey baked ham should be used within three to four days of thawing. This ensures the ham is still safe to eat and retains its quality.

Here are a few ideas for using your leftover Publix honey baked ham:

  • Ham and Cheese Quiche: Dice the ham and add it to a savory quiche along with cheese, eggs, and vegetables.
  • Ham and Bean Soup: Simmer the ham with beans, onions, carrots, celery, and spices for a hearty and delicious soup.
  • Ham Sandwiches: Thinly slice the ham and use it in sandwiches along with your favorite condiments and toppings.
  • Ham Fried Rice: Dice the ham and stir-fry it with leftover rice, vegetables, and soy sauce for a quick and tasty meal.

In conclusion, properly storing leftover Publix honey baked ham ensures that it stays fresh and maintains its flavor. Follow these tips to store your leftover ham safely and enjoy it in various dishes. Remember to use the ham within a safe time frame and always trust your senses when determining if the ham is still good to eat.

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Frequently asked questions

To cook a Publix honey baked ham, preheat your oven to 325°F. Remove the ham from its packaging and place it on a shallow baking pan or dish. Cover the ham loosely with aluminum foil and bake for approximately 10-12 minutes per pound, or until the internal temperature reaches 140°F. Once cooked, let the ham rest for a few minutes before slicing and serving.

The cooking time for a Publix honey baked ham depends on its weight. As a general guide, calculate approximately 10-12 minutes of cooking time per pound of ham. For example, a 7-pound ham would take around 70-84 minutes to cook.

No, basting is not necessary when cooking a Publix honey baked ham. The ham is already pre-glazed and flavorful, so basting is not needed. Simply cover it loosely with aluminum foil and let it cook in the oven.

Yes, you can use a slow cooker to cook a Publix honey baked ham. Place the ham in the slow cooker and cook on low for approximately 4-6 hours, or until the internal temperature reaches 140°F. Be sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions for your specific slow cooker model.

To store leftovers from a Publix honey baked ham, slice the remaining ham and place it in an airtight container or wrap it tightly in aluminum foil. Store it in the refrigerator for up to 4-5 days. Leftover ham can also be frozen for up to 2-3 months.

The Perfect Recipe: How To Cook A Publix Honey Baked Ham To Perfection (2024)
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